The Benefits of Asset Allocation
By Jeff Ohe, January 22, 2019

When creating a portfolio, it may be human nature to try to win big, whether by attempting to guess the next hot investment or time the markets. However, over the years, we’ve seen that what was last year’s winner can become this year’s under-performer, and the timing of these ups and downs is unpredictable. Looking over the last 10 years of asset class returns appears to show as many sector ups and downs as a roller coaster.
Understanding the ebbs and flows of the market without reacting to them impulsively is why asset allocation is what many investment professionals believe is key to what can otherwise feel like a wild ride. Having a predetermined ratio of where you’ve divvied up your investments, and sticking to it, can be challenging, but it can help you avoid making rash decisions with your investments in response to the natural ups and downs of the market.
The Components Of Savvy Asset Allocation and Rebalancing
Asset allocation is an easy concept to grasp, but much harder to practice in reality when emotions are at play. On its face, divvying up your investments according to your own personal risk tolerance and long term goals seems simple, but sticking to that plan in the face of changing conditions is where it can be an emotional minefield for some investors.
As the year rolls forward, some areas of the market inevitably will produce great returns, and some others will underperform. It’s incredibly tempting to throw your allocation out the window to double down on the winners and unload the losers as quickly as possible.
While many people see a hot sector of the market and act quickly to buy more shares when it’s at a historical high, or panic when the market is low and unload some unprofitable sector, this move can be costly to your long term investment success. It gives in to our very nature of greed and fear instead of seeing our investments with clear eyes that seek to balance risk with reward.
The Counterintuitive Benefits Of Rebalancing
Rebalancing can feel highly counterintuitive, but it keeps us grounded when market swings bring with it the emotional cues that tempt us into thinking we can ride the highs just to the point of diminishing returns and know exactly when to pull out.
This is where it gets challenging for most people. It may feel like you’re “trimming your winners,” but think of it this way - you’re not only capitalizing on your profits, but you’re getting an investing deal if you successfully buy low and sell high.
Many investment professionals who adhere to this strategy do so in an effort to reduce your overall risk while working to increase your overall return. Having a plan for your asset allocation ahead of time provides a framework for your strategy that keeps you anchored when you need it most.
Knowing When it’s Time to Rebalance
While a general rule of thumb is to examine your portfolio on a yearly basis, you can set a cadence that feels right for you. Overall, sticking to a regular schedule will help you act rationally and balance out trading costs that are associated with rebalancing. It will also assist you in strategically factoring in the costs of rebalancing with any taxes on the gains you might have made.
Since you’ve taken steps to calculate your risk tolerance, and stacked your assets accordingly, you can examine which portions of your portfolio have performed well. When possible, you will benefit from selling while they’re high and profitable. Then, you can use that profit to buy any asset classes that have underperformed, and rebalance back to your starting ratio.
An advantage to setting a date on the calendar for an annual review is that this date, while feeling arbitrary at first, is another mechanism to prevent you from acting emotionally and buying or selling certain assets in response to personal whims. Having structure and discipline is key to avoiding the most common emotional temptations that the average investor will invariably face.
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